Started in 2023 as a competitive club, Strormbreakers LC operates 2 times a year as an INVITE ONLY club team & invites only go to those in the Saratoga Springs, Eagle Mountain and Lehi communities. Once the invites are accepted and the teams are filled (20 players per team), there will be no other invites extended. This club team attends two tournaments per year: 1 in state and 1 out of state. Invites will be extended in June each year with a 1 year commitment. One tournament the team will play in each year is in state and is the Rendezvous Tournament in October. The other tournament will be out of state and it is the Buku Surf City Tournament in Huntington Beach, California in February. If an invite is extended and denied, the club immediately extends a new invite to the next player on the list. Stormbreakers facilitates 4 teams:
- Stormbreakers Varsity (NOT to be confused with HS Varsity distinctions)
- Stormbreakers JV (NOT to be confused with HS JV distinctions)
- Stormbreakers JV 2
- Stormbreakers MS (7th and 8th graders)